
The original plan had been to get down to Waterloo, then to strike out along the South Bank and to find lunch somewhere on the way, but when Paul awoke that Sunday morning, the weather did not look too promising. He had heard the rain since before he had even opened the curtains and watching the raindrops cascade down the window merely confirmed the diagnosis.

He had phoned Anna mid-morning. Neither of them particularly felt like going anywhere today. Paul broke the news to Jake. At Jake’s age, rain was no obstacle and he was clearly disappointed. In the end, Paul relented. “Look, if it doesn’t stop raining, I’ll take you out for a pizza at lunchtime, anyway. How does that sound?” Well, Jake’s main adventure was going out somewhere for lunch, so he was placated.

There was no abatement from the weather, and at lunchtime Paul and Jake had found themselves in Café Rouge. At least Paul had managed to convince Jake away from pizza. Much as Jake would happily eat pizza every day, it was good to add some variety into his diet.

As a treat for Jake, they had arranged to meet Anna back at Paul’s bedsit after lunch. For some reason that Anna could not quite understand, Jake had taken a shine to her.

After they returned from lunch, Paul had called Anna, and a half hour later, there was a ring on the doorbell. Still no respite from the rain, as Anna shook the water off her umbrella before she came in. Cooped up in Paul’s bedsit, with no firm plans, they had settled on watching one of Jake’s DVDs. For a short while, the three sat watching Disney’s Aladdin, for the thousandth time.

Paul made an excuse to look up something on the web and fired up his laptop. “Oh, when you’ve finished there, go put the kettle on”, chirped Anna. With Paul now busy in the kitchen, Jake shouted through. “Dad, can I play Dungeons and Dragons on the computer?”

As the boys had discovered better things to do, Anna was left sitting alone watching the film. Growing bored, she had asked if anybody minded her flicking through the channels. Nothing. Jake was, by now, engrossed in his game. She may as well see what he was up to, so she started looking at the screen. This was the day that Jake taught Anna about auks, trolls, and goblins!

for Fandango’s One Word Challenge (FOWC) of 27 August 2020, nerd.

I wrote a back-story to these characters in these posts:


    • yeah, that sounds about right. Traditionally here, just a one-room spece where you live, sleep and cook (obviously only rudimentary food) all in the same room. Bet you can charge more for a studio 🤣

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