Fandango’s One Word Challenge (8 July 2020)

Spoiler Alert: gory post coming up!

Butter Wouldn’t Melt

the sight which greeted me when I looked out in the porch this morning:

Not a brilliant image, I’m afraid. I’m mega-zooming, because this thing was tiny, and the camera had difficulty focussing against the featureless floor tiles. On the left, some entrails, on the right, a head. Just a head. I’m sorry if you’re eating at the moment.

I then wandered through to the bedroom:

Looks like I’m not going to be making the bed anytime soon!

for Fandango’s Pne Word Challenge (FOWC), culpable.


  1. I had three cats, but they all had their own speciality. One would just treat the mouse as a toy so I had to put it out of its misery. The other one always left the head the the taile with its little attachement and the youngest, a selkerk rex cat, ate everything. from head to tail. We have field mice everywhere during the summer, so they were never short of a variable menu.

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    • Yeah we must have a pretty unlimited supply too. Reuben likes to catch them but usually does not eat them – once they’re dead he loses interest and will then wander through to the kitchem to polish off a plate of cat food.

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  2. I am glad I wasn’t eating. 🙂 But having had cats around me growing up, and in recent times too, I am quite familiar with this sort of thing. The last incident was a few years back when my dog brought me a live frog from the garden. A loving gift 🙂

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    • We occasionally get frogs too, but they must taste awful as the cats tend to learn not to bother after that. We had a slow worm once – a small snake think, not poisonous, about 6 inches/15cm long. Actually they’re quite rare….even rarer now 🤣

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