The X Factor

for the Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge of 27 March 2021, frightful. I beg pardon to any UK readers – I realise this is a UK prompt but most of my readers are probably more familiar with American pronounciations.

As a fog-horn, was not out of place,
For his singing, might wish to erase,
While he started, delightful,
He then tailed off to frightful,
As he shattered his cut-crystal vase.


  1. I’ve known a few who thought they could sing. Pigs squealed and ran to hide, birds fell dead from trees, and dogs howled death dirges. This cute little piece needs to go on a business card – to be handed-out after church. Wawazat? Joyful noise? Even angels, I suspect have cotton in their ears. Nice. A big grin and a chuckle.

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  2. Did you have any difficulty linking this post?

    Although written in advance and published on the schedule I had forgotten to link my Nans’s farm post to the challenge. Then this morning I had problems linking, the url pasted over as an image. I did it eventually by pasting the url into a Word doc (no image) and copying and pasting again! Very odd.

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    • Nope. It just happened as ever. I changed my title just after I put it live, so quickly that nobody read it yet) which resulted in your post getting two pingbacks, but both links led to the same post. I don’t think many people look at other responses as a matter of course in any case.
      But just in terms of embedding your link, no problems.

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          • It’s never done it before, maybe it’s something to do with updates. I contacted WordPress but as it’s the weekend and at a time where they’re making changes to everyone’s sites they’ll be a delay in their responses so I’m still waiting for a reply.

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