Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #95

For Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #95, where we write about this photo from Forgottenx at DeviantArt:


“No Way”.

“Yes way. Come on, we’ve been locked down for six months, and you’re a mess. Let me sort you out ready for Monday – it’ll only take five minutes”.

With that, Johnny tore out of the kitchen and scurried up the stairs. Mum dashed after him, grabbing a pair of kitchen scissors and a pudding basin on her way. She heard Johnny’s bedroom door slam and, picking her way through the toys which were strewn over the landing, she pushed it open.

Hiding under his bed covers, Johnny resolved, “you’re not coming anywhere near my fucking hair”.


  1. I suppose that being bald, as I am, is one aspect of the pandemic that doesn’t affect me adversely. I just take my beard trimmer ever two weeks and run it over my head…at least those parts where hair still grows.

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    • I agree, that’s the easiest way to go. I enjoyed it when I cut mine back, but Mrs Bump didn’t like it.
      I don’t remember my mother ever trying to cut my hair as a boy, but I do remember her doing things like lick paper towels and proceed to wash my face with them. Euggggh. Must’ve lasted until I was old enough to get away, I guess.

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